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Project Based Learning for Every Classroom edWebinar Recording Link

Creating Portfolios is a free professional learning community where educators can learn how digital portfolios help students document evidence of their learning, reflect on their work and receive feedback on their progress from teachers, parents and classmates.

The community hosts free edWebinars and live chats that are highly engaging and interactive. Our discussions provide an easy way to continue the conversation and share ideas with educators from around the world.

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  • Invitations to edWebinars on new ideas, practices, and resources
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    • edWebinar recordings with CE quizzes to view on-demand anytime, anywhere
  • Online discussion forums where you can connect and collaborate with other educators and experts on a continuous basis
  • A resource library with added materials on this topic

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Watch Our Most Recent edWebinar
Presented by Rachel Langenhorst, K-12 Technology Integrationist and Instructional Coach


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