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College, Career, and Life Readiness is a free professional learning community where educators can receive and share information about how to prepare students for college and careers. Ensuring students are sufficiently prepared for college success is a vital aspect of middle and high school education. Through this community, educators can develop a better understanding of how to implement student college success strategies in their schools and classrooms. 

The topics covered in this community’s edWebinars include executive function, preparing for college career assessments, college literacy, classroom wellness, and more. The community hosts free edWebinars that are highly engaging and interactive, and the discussion forum provides an easy way to connect with colleagues from
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Build Tomorrow’s Workforce: Create K-12 Education Partnerships With Industry

Watch Our Most Recent edWebinar

Build Tomorrow’s Workforce: Create K-12 Education Partnerships With Industry
Presented by Dr. Carrie Curtis, Education Programs Project Manager, Maritime Industrial Base; and Andrew Crowe, Founder, American Manufacturing Renaissance


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