Join Personalize Learning for Learner Variability
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Personalize Learning for Learner Variability is a free professional learning community that brings together researchers, educators, entrepreneurs and product developers to share the latest research findings, best practices, and success stories that are shaping the development of research-based programs and products to address the growth of learning variability in today’s schools.

For personalized learning to reach its potential, the community must work together on multiple fronts: Educators must know how to use technology to engage, motivate, and personalize learning with their students; researchers must evolve new methodologies that embrace the diversity of learners for testing the effectiveness of products, programs, and interventions; and developers must create tools that are more precisely and intentionally tuned to the specific aspects of learning for individuals across all content areas and developmental stages.


Students working together

Upcoming edWebinar

Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 6 p.m. Eastern Time
Unlocking Student Potential: Empowering Independence in the Classroom
Presented by Jose Gonzalez, 21st Century Learning Specialist, Compton Unified School District (CA); and Meghan Polowin, Grade 8 Science and Technology Teacher, Fisher Park/Summit Alternative P.S., Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB)
Moderated by Karissa Bowen, Senior Project Manager, Ciena Solutions Challenge, Digital Promise Global

Watch Our Most Recent edWebinar

Executive Function for Learning Differences
Presented by Mitch Weathers, Educator, Founder and CEO, Organized Binder, Inc.; and Amanda Morin, Educational and Neurodiversity Consultant, Author,
Moderated by Jessica Jackson, Director of Professional Learning, Digital Promise


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