Join Early Childhood Learning Solutions

Early Childhood Learning Solutions is a free professional learning community that helps educators create a joyful and positive classroom culture with the latest in curriculum, programs and resources. The community hosts online discussions that make it easy for educators to stay connected over time with fellow teachers to share ideas, practices, examples, and lesson plans. This community is a growing resource center with edWebinar archives, Blogs, eGuides, and support materials that can be accessed anytime, anywhere.

This early learning community will provide new information, resources, ideas, and a place for discussion to support early childhood educators as they positively stimulate language, cognitive, social, and emotional development of their young students. Teachers will learn about resources, tools and curriculum they can use to enhance their classrooms and their work with young children.

You can post questions, start discussions, and get feedback from experts and peers on the issues and challenges you face every day. Become part of the conversation today!


Upcoming edWebinars

Monday, Feb. 24 at 4 p.m. Eastern Time
Embracing the Science of Reading in Early Learning While Preserving Play
Presented by Dr. Nika Fabienke, Former Educator, Senior Director, Curriculum, Age of Learning; and Dr. Stanley Diih, Former Educator, Early Childhood Curriculum Specialist, Age of Learning
Sponsored by Age of Learning

Tuesday, Mar. 18 at 3 p.m. Eastern Time
AI in Early Childhood Education: Supporting (Not Replacing) the Human Touch
Presented by Adrienne Shannon, Content Marketing Manager, Famly; and Owen Walker, Account Executive, Famly
Sponsored by Famly

A child using a laptop

Watch Our Most Recent edWebinar

Unlocking AI in Early Childhood Education: Empowering Early Childhood Educators Through Understanding
Presented by Brandon Dorman, Former Math Teacher, Current Senior Product Manager, Frog Street; Jessica Bobo, Early Childhood Education Advocate, Chief Product Officer, Frog Street; and Jody Martin, Senior Developmental Editor, Frog Street

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