Join Helping ELL, ESL, and Bilingual Students Succeed
Helping ELL, ESL, and Bilingual Students Succeed is a free professional learning community that focuses on helping students to improve their learning and language ability. School districts have an increasing population of students who speak a different language and/or have different languages and dialects spoken at home. The number of languages spoken is also increasing. Join the community to collaborate on strategies and ideas to support your ELL, ESL, and bilingual students.


Upcoming edWebinar

Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 5 p.m. Eastern Time
Supporting Multilingual Learners’ Success on Proficiency and ELP Tests
Presented by Dr. Giselle Carpio-Williams, Vice President, Multilingual Advocacy and Content, HMH; and Dr. Brian Joseph, National Director, Innovation and Insights, HMH
Sponsored by HMH

Supporting Newcomers and Multilingual Learners in Your District

Watch Our Most Recent edLeader Panel

Supporting Newcomers and Multilingual Learners in Your District
Presented by Viviana Hall, Global Bilingual-ESL-Dual Language Consultant, Global VIDA; Lori Lynch, Vice President of Professional Learning, Britannica Education; and Criselda Dixon, Customer Experience Manager, Britannica Education

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