Creating a Positive School Climate is a free professional learning community that provides all education stake-holders with a place to collaborate on improving the learning environments of our schools to make them safe places for all students to reach their full potential. We will explore proven strategies for ensuring that all students feel valued, cared for, and respected. Join us to learn, ask questions, discuss topics, and share information around fostering and maintaining a positive school culture, including:
Upcoming edWebinars
Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 3 p.m. Eastern TimeImproving Outcomes for Students of Non-English-Speaking FamiliesPresented by Kate Pechacek, K12 Strategic Advisor, OpendoorsEd; Dr. Pamela Shay, Director of Federal Programs, Springfield City School District (OH); and Jason Velasco, Vice President, Business Development, TranslateLiveSponsored by TranslateLive
Monday, Jan. 27 at 3 p.m. Eastern TimeEffective Communication for Educators: Build Rapport, Establish Trust, and Navigate All ConversationsPresented by Dr. Alison Wood Brooks, O’Brien Associate Professor of Business Administration and Hellman Faculty Fellow, Harvard Business School; Dr. Ruth Best, Assistant Dean, California School of Education, Alliant International University; and Dr. Jenny Tellez, Assistant Professor, ELM and ASC Program Director, and CalAPA Coordinator, California School of Education, Alliant International UniversityCo-Sponsored by Penguin Random House Education and Alliant International University
Upcoming edLeader Panel
Thursday, Feb. 27 at 1 p.m. Eastern TimeRoll Call! Addressing the Roots of Absenteeism with MTSSPresented by Deana Moss, Director of MTSS, Lakota Local School District (OH); Todd Hartman, Principal, Creekside Early Childhood School (OH); Jessica Skelton, Assistant Principal, Creekside Early Childhood School (OH); and Ashlie Cox, Customer Success Manager, Branching MindsSponsored by Branching Minds
Watch Our Most Recent edWebinar
How Engaging Classrooms Reduce Chronic Absenteeism and Boost EnrollmentPresented by Dr. Jessica Huizenga, Independent Consultant ; Craig Vaughn, Superintendent, Springfield Township School District (NJ); and James Sanders, Product Marketing Manager, Unruly Studios