Teacher HELP! is a free professional learning community that helps teachers, as well as school and district leaders, to get advice, support, and share experiences about teaching practices and finding solutions to teacher retention challenges.
This community is a place where you can post questions, start discussions, and get feedback from experts and peers on the issues and challenges you face with a career in teaching. Stay connected, share ideas, and get support from other teachers and leaders all across the country and around the world.
Upcoming edWebinar
Tuesday, Mar. 4 at 3 p.m. Eastern TimeRetain and Empower New Educators: Coaching Strategies for Teacher SuccessPresented by Jason Taylor, Principal, Platte Valley Middle School (CO); Alea Thompson, Director of Programs and Impact, TeachUNITED; and Heather Hiebsch, CEO and Founder, TeachUNITEDSponsored by TeachUNITED
Watch Our Most Recent edWebinar Series: Thriving as a New or Guest Teacher
Thriving as a New or Guest Teacher Part 1: You're a Teacher Now! What's Next?Presented by Tom Hierck, Educator and Author; and Alex Kajitani, Educator and Author
Thriving as a New or Guest Teacher Part 2: Setting Up for a Successful YearPresented by Kim Bailey, Educator and Author; and Kristen Nelson, Educator and Author
Thriving as a New or Guest Teacher Part 3: Supporting Beginning TeachersPresented by Tina H. Boogren, Ph.D., Author and Associate, Solution Tree